Happy New year! Here’s to 2023!

Happy New year! Here’s to 2023!

Happy NEW YEARS, here to another great year ahead ??‍? A New year is always a great time to start a new chapter or  ‘turn a new leaf’.  We tend to be more motivated to see the new beginning as a new start, a way to change or lives and improve ourselves in...
We have a Winner!

We have a Winner!

Congratulations Tumi on winning your brand New Samsung Galaxy A13! ?? Are you the our next winner?  Simply Top-Up your MoyaPay account at Boxer Store via Powerload! Powerload is offering the cheapest way to deposit money into your MoyaPay account – only R5 fee...
How cool is the Moya Status update feature!

How cool is the Moya Status update feature!

As you know, the MoyaApp team is always working on bringing you the latest, fun, educational, datafree content, features and more! I am so excited that we have dark mode now, but have you seen the the Status update?  This feature has been on MoyaApp for a while now,...